Dave Ramsey – The #1 Factor for Achieving Success!

For more from Dave Ramsey, simply search youtube and go to his website daveramsey.com. His book, Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide To Money, is available at his website and amazon. George BalekGeorge Balek is a Full-Time Internet Marketer, Personal Development Enthusiast and Chicago Cubs Fan! jlc.yjd.temporary.site/.website_cfa19ea6/about-george

Arianna Huffington – The Sleep Revolution!

For more from Adrianna, simply search youtube.com and go to her website adriannahuffington.com. Her book, The Sleep Revolution, is available at her website and amazon.com. George BalekGeorge Balek is a Full-Time Internet Marketer, Personal Development Enthusiast and Chicago Cubs Fan! jlc.yjd.temporary.site/.website_cfa19ea6/about-george

Darren Hardy – Predicting the next 4 years with Trump!

For more from Darren, simply search youtube.com and go to his website darrenhardy.com. You can signup as I did for daily tips at his website too. His book, The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, is available at his website and amazon.com. George BalekGeorge Balek is a Full-Time Internet Marketer, Personal Development Enthusiast and Chicago Cubs Fan! jlc.yjd.temporary.site/.website_cfa19ea6/about-george

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