Dr. Wayne Dyer: β€œWhen you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

For more from the late Dr Wayne Dyer and a free audio, go to drwaynedyer.com. His latest book, The Power of Intention, is available at amazon.com. George BalekGeorge Balek is a Full-Time Internet Marketer, Personal Development Enthusiast and Chicago Cubs Fan! jlc.yjd.temporary.site/.website_cfa19ea6/about-george

Brendon Burchard: β€œSuccessful people act on their dreams.”

For more from Brendon, check out youtube. His latest book, The Motivation Manifesto, is available at brendonburchard.com or amazon.com. George BalekGeorge Balek is a Full-Time Internet Marketer, Personal Development Enthusiast and Chicago Cubs Fan! jlc.yjd.temporary.site/.website_cfa19ea6/about-george

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